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超低损耗稳幅稳相电缆组件超低损耗稳幅稳相电缆组件 详细
低损耗稳幅稳相电缆组件超低损耗稳幅稳相电缆组件 详细
柔性稳相电缆组件柔性稳相电缆组件 详细
超低损耗半钢电缆超低损耗半钢电缆 详细
适配X.FL&U.FL、MS180互联测试解决方案适配X.FL&U.FL、MS180互联测试解决方案 详细
Antenna Kits 20 Hz - 40 GHz
Antenna Kits 20 Hz - 40 GHzA.H. Systems offers 16 models of portable antenna kits. Each kit provides all the reliable antennas, current probes and accessories needed to satisfy a wide array of customer requirements. 详细
Biconical Antennas 20 MHz - 18 GHz
Biconical Antennas 20 MHz - 18 GHzFor many years most standards called for the use of a half-wave dipole antenna set for frequencies above 80 MHz. However, to reduce test time, 详细
Bilogical Antennas 20 MHz - 1 GHz
Bilogical Antennas 20 MHz - 1 GHzFor rapid deployment along with the mobility of small package, these Bilogical Antenna Kits provides an inexpensive solution to broadband applications. 详细
Current Probes 20 Hz - 500 MHz
Current Probes 20 Hz - 500 MHz These Current Probes are devices used in a wide variety of industrial and scientific applications, and designed to be used in the process of generating and measuring high levels of RF current. 详细
Dipole Antennas 25 MHz - 3 GHz
Dipole Antennas 25 MHz - 3 GHzThese half wavelength resonant dipole antennas are the foundation of every compliance testing lab. 详细
H-Field Rod Antennas 100 Hz - 30 MHz
H-Field Rod Antennas 100 Hz - 30 MHzThe A.H. Systems' set of H-Field Rods provide an accurate standard for magnetic field testing. The rods are available individually or in a set of four to cover the frequency range of 100 Hz to 30 MHz. 详细
Horn Antennas 170 MHz - 40 GHz
Horn Antennas 170 MHz - 40 GHzBelow is our listing of different horn antenna types split up into three categories. The latest version of Mil-Std 461E states the used of broadband double ridge guide horn antenna as the antenna of choice for frequencies above 200 MHz. 详细
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