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您的位置:首页 > 产品展示 > 射频微波/EMC > A.H.System

Bilogical Antennas 20 MHz - 1 GHz

 For rapid deployment along with the mobility of small package, these Bilogical Antenna Kits provides an inexpensive solution to broadband applications. Each Bilogical Antenna Kit comes with a Folding Bilogical Antenna, tripod extension rod, cable, screwdriver and a rugged carrying case with an optional preamplifier cutout. Suitable for FCC, MIL-STD, VDE, TEMPEST, and immunity testing, each Bilogical antenna will provide reliable, repeatable measurements. The ability to sweep in one trace makes the Bilogical antenna a versatile performer.



上一篇:Current Probes 20 Hz - 500 MHz

下一篇:Biconical Antennas 20 MHz - 18 GHz
