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您的位置:首页 > 产品展示 > 射频微波/EMC > Schwarzbeck

Biconic Logarithmic Periodic Antennas (Hybrid)
Biconic Logarithmic Periodic Antennas (Hybrid)Biconic Logarithmic Periodic Antennas (Hybrid) 详细
Radiating Loops
Radiating LoopsRadiating Loops 详细
Antenna Holders / Baluns
Antenna Holders / BalunsAntenna Holders / Baluns 详细
Biconical Antennas
Biconical AntennasBiconical Antennas have dipole like characteristics (e.g. circular directional pattern in the H-plane,"8"-shaped in the E-plane, fixed phase center, comparable gain), with an enormous wide bandwidth achieved by the double cone elements. 详细
DipolesTuned half-wave dipoles have been among the most important antennas from the
beginning of rf-technique. The characteristics of half-wave dipoles have
been calculable very early using the Maxwell and Hertz equations. 详细
Rod Antennas
Rod AntennasRod Antennas 详细
Monitoring & Drive Test Antennas
Monitoring & Drive Test AntennasMonitoring & Drive Test Antennas 详细
Standard Gain Antennas
Standard Gain AntennasThe Gain Standard Antenna consists of a square-shaped reflector with dimensions l x l. 详细
Active Antennas
Active AntennasActive Antennas 详细
Near Field Probes
Near Field ProbesNear Field Probes 详细
Field Probes for Handheld Analyzer
Field Probes for Handheld AnalyzerField Probes for Handheld Analyzer 详细
Automotive Antennas
Automotive AntennasAutomotive Antennas 详细
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