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Spirent GSS7000
Spirent GSS7000Flexible and Powerful Multi-GNSS Constellation Simulator System 详细
Spirent GSS6450
Spirent GSS6450The world’s first highly portable high bit depth RF record & playback system 详细
GSS9000 Series
GSS9000 SeriesThe very best in performance, flexibility and capability for GNSS developers and testers 详细
GSS4150As air transport continues to grow, the use of Global Satellite Navigation Systems (GNSS) for Flight Navigation is increasing. So too is the move towards using systems that support Required Navigation Performance (RNP). 详细
Spirent GSS6300
Spirent GSS6300Single channel GPS/SBAS/QZSS L1 C/A and/or GLONASS L1 C/A and/or BeiDou-2 B1 and/or Galileo E1 signals in one chassis 详细
Spirent GSS6300M
Spirent GSS6300MThe GSS6300M is the ideal entry-level multi channel GNSS simulator for busy production testing environments and receiver integrators. Its 36 channels of operation can simulate L1/E1 signals from GPS/SBAS, QZSS, GLONASS, BeiDou and Galileo to test the fund 详细
Spirent GSS7725
Spirent GSS7725Generate, Understand, and Protect Against RF Interference 详细
Spirent GSS7765
Spirent GSS7765The GSS7765 Interference Simulation System, when combined with one of
Spirent’s GNSS satellite constellation simulators, offers a comprehensive
solution for testing satellite navigation equipment in the presence of
intentional or unintentional RF in 详细
MT1100A 网络测试大师
MT1100A 网络测试大师· 支持 1.5 Mbps 至 100 Gbps 一体化传输测试仪
· 多达 4 个支持所有传输速率的端口 详细
MT1000A 网络测试专家
MT1000A 网络测试专家· 支持 1.5 Mbps 到 100Gbps 一体化现场传输测试仪
· 支持光纤链路的智能测试 详细
MP1900A 信号质量分析仪
MP1900A 信号质量分析仪传输容量最大 512 Gbit/s,一个主框架最多可扩展至16ch(配备 8 个 32 Gbit/s 2ch PPG) 详细
MP1800A 信号质量分析仪
MP1800A 信号质量分析仪 特征:误码率测试范围 0.1 Gbit/s 至 32.1 Gbit/s,外接MUX/DEMUX 可达 64.2 Gbit/s高质量 (12 ps 升/降时间) 和低抖动 (8 ps p-p) PPG 波形,最高 3.5 Vp-p超高灵敏度误码分析 详细
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